IEP Coaching Session Agenda

IEP Coaching Session Agenda

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) coaching agenda can be helpful for parents, educators, and other stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of a student's IEP.

This agenda outlines the topics and goals of the coaching session to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the IEP process is as effective as possible.

Here's a sample IEP coaching agenda:

**IEP Coaching Session Agenda  & Student Name**

**Session Goal:** To collaboratively develop, review, or improve the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP).
**Session Duration:** [Specify the duration, e.g., 1 hour]
**Session Facilitator:** [Name of the facilitator]
- [List the names and roles of all participants, including parents, teachers, specialists, and any other relevant stakeholders.]
**Agenda Topics:**

1. **Introduction (5 minutes)**
- Welcome and introductions
- Review the session's goals and objectives

2. **Overview of the Student's Current IEP (10 minutes)**
- Review the student's current IEP, including goals, accommodations, and services
- Discuss any progress or challenges related to the current IEP

3. **Assessment and Data (15 minutes)**
- Share and review recent assessment results, including academic, behavioral, and other relevant assessments. Scanmarker dashboard can help you summarize reading  and learning assessments 
- Analyse the data to identify the student's strengths and areas of need

4. **Setting Meaningful and Measurable Goals (15 minutes)**
- Discuss the process for setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals
- Collaboratively define new goals or modify existing ones

5. **Accommodations and Modifications (10 minutes)**
- Discuss the accommodations and modifications that have been effective and any that may need adjustment
- Consider how these accommodations align with the student's goals

6. **Related Services and Supports (10 minutes)**
- Review the related services (e.g., speech therapy, occupational therapy) and supports (e.g., assistive technology) in the current IEP
- Determine if any changes or adjustments are needed

7. **Transition Planning (if applicable) (10 minutes)**
- Discuss the student's transition goals, including post-secondary education or vocational plans
- Identify steps and supports needed to achieve these goals

8. **Parent and Guardian Input (15 minutes)**
- Provide parents and guardians an opportunity to share their insights, concerns, and goals for their child's education
- Discuss how their input will be incorporated into the IEP

9. **Action Plan and Timeline (10 minutes)**
- Create a clear action plan with specific tasks, responsible parties, and deadlines
- Ensure that everyone understands their roles in the IEP process

10. **Questions and Open Discussion (10 minutes)**
- Allow time for questions, concerns, and open discussion on any topics related to the IEP

11. **Closing and Next Steps (5 minutes)**
- Summarize key takeaways from the session
- Outline the next steps in the IEP process, including scheduling follow-up meetings

**Follow-Up:** After the coaching session, ensure that all agreed-upon actions are documented and carried out. Schedule any necessary follow-up meetings or check-ins to monitor progress and make adjustments to the IEP as needed.


If you would like some more guidance on how Scanmarker can help with your students IEP goals please contact us at

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